Education in India in Times of Corona – experiences from our partner organisation IRCDS in Southern India

Education in India in Times of Corona – experiences from our partner organisation IRCDS in Southern India

16. März 2021 um 18:00 – 19:30
via Zoom

Stephen Paul Cruz from our partner IRCDS in Tamil Nadu will inform us in this talk about the work IRCDS is doing to help school children to receive quality education.

The organisation based in Tiruvallur fights for the right to education for every child! This task became more difficult during the Corona-Pandemic.Schools were closed for many months, not even now all children are allowed to attend class again. Many families are also afraid of sending their children to school as there is no safety equipment for them, like face masks or sanitizers. Furthermore, many children from poor families had to support their parents and start earning money, therefore the organisation fears that not all of them will join school again.

The talk will be held in English, as a virtual meeting; please register if you want to attend!


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